
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

2 cousins.

One summer, when they were 12...
These 2 cousins spent many hours catching guppies with their bare hands...
(They went there again, after lunch...)
They were at the poolside for so long, I had to go and "chaperone" them
My zoom caught them, what are they doing?
They wre catching fish, reminds me of my childhood, there was a river opposite my house and my big sister and I had fun catching fish with a basket (sampan fish).
Much patience is Kate is using her hands to entice the small fish

they were here for a long time before dinner and I had to keep an eye on them
It is not easy, Kate had to keep very still
and stay for a long time in that uncomfortable position

then she cups her hand to catch one!
and transfer the fish to Jenn
to put on the giant yam leaf
look! a fish!
They do not need nets, or jars!

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