
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Dinner at Yixin with 2 more cousins

We were feted again to dinner at the same restaurant as lunch, with 2 more China cousins

She picked up her 2 sons from a private boarding school (over at 5p.m.) They have to be back before 7! An old photo of the 2 boys. Now at 18 and 16
Cousins!! The Youngest boy is the tallest and biggest! Look carefully and guess what this dish is!Goose tongue!!

Elephant trunk clams with vegetablesgoose meat

some shellfish that looked and tasted like roaches
goose head and meat
obviously squids

soup (forgot what!)
stewed salted veg with intestines

neon fish figures designed by Xiao Ying out for more dinners and lunches to come!!!!!

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