
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Ample Car Park

After visiting many schools with tight spaces for teachers' cars to park, let alone visitors, I am glad my new school has ample car parks for teachers.

This is the driveway in, it is far from the main school area, there are no students milling out here, so it is very safe
If I am running late, I will park here first, because it is nearest to the office for punching in!  But it is not covered, and can get quite hot.
It is very big, though, it runs the entire perimter of the front fence of the school
At the side of the school, there is this huge covered carpark that runs the entire side length of the school
I usually park here and I do not have to worry if I go back late, as my car will not be hot or heated up
Anybody can park anywhere, first come first served.  (once, I nearly parked at the headmistress's place at a school that I visited..phew!)

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