
Monday, June 20, 2011

Kampung Wedding

My weekend trip to my hometown was to attend a colleague's wedding in the kampung that was my first posting as a teacher fresh out of university. She studied in the very first school that I taught in but she is way too junior to have been my student.  Now she is my co-worker...hmmmmnnn.......
we parked our car by the edge of the monsoon drain and walked the dirt road to where the marquees are
gotong royong spirit...all the men chip in to do the cooking for the kenduri feast, but this is probably catered, in keeping with the times.

before: the cheeky bride, we were too early!
After: the demure and stunning bride

Since we are too early to catch the bersanding, and the groom's party hasn't even arrived, we took pics of the grand pelamin or wedding dais
This is the tricky part: no cutlery is given and we loved eating with our fingers.

I loved this rustic scene...guests arriving for the wedding
How's this: rugged ladies on the scooter in their wedding party finery

To top it off: if you need to go: there is always the OUTHOUSE!!!!!

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