
Friday, September 30, 2011


After you have seen a few pics of MGS Singapore,
I will show you MGS KL

He has stayed here all his life but has not been to this school
I have stayed here 20 years but have not been to this school
even though it is just opposite my old school

the lovely elevated canteen
our bus that will take us to Singapore to visit our counterparts'
I love the magnificent raintree (am I correct? I don't many trees' names)
I came here after my school ended to catch the bus
Took the time to walk around and my partner took
photos for me....
Outside the office waiting for the headmistress;
I am early, she dismisses her school at 3.10!!!!
This is the eve of the Malaysia Day holiday and
long weekend (16 September 2011)
He went for a spot of kopi-o, one for me too.
then I went to this cute toilet to change, it must be more
than a 100 years old
Look at the chapel and Dayabumi behind it
It is now classrooms, and since classes were still on,
the girls were amused at the two of us taking photos!
I have changed into comfortable travelling togs
The beautiful colonial mansion style main building looks impressive
with an enviable big field;
many old schools have already fallen prey
to development
Here and below are shots of the school from
the outside as we did not have any conducted tour:
lessons were still in progress.

spacious and cool with sprawling grounds:
excellent and conducive environment for a girls' school.

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