
Monday, December 19, 2011

Petaling Street Warriors - 大英雄 小男人

Had some free tix to watch Petaling Street Warriors

Caught it at the nearest cineplex to our house

Some time back, I was surprised to see the arch at GSC here

 Turned out it was a replica of the original arch
The stars of the show had a grand premiere and launch here
Stars of the show promoting the movie

The real arch on the real street
 Local gangs that collected protection money
 Rival gangs that extorted money too
 Yeo Yann Yann the main actress

Mark Lee. Singaporean actor

Chris Tong, local actress
Action scenes are choreographed by renown fight scene director from Hong Kong
Frederick Lee as the eunuch after the treasure map

Funny, hilarious and silly, entertaining story of local Malaysian flavour with lots of home grown jibes that only Malaysians/Singaporeans can appreciate and enjoy.

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