
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Fong Fei Fei's Hats

When Whitney's death was announced,
I was shocked too to read my student's
facebook status that Fong Fei Fei had died.
No wonder, she (or rather her family members) kept her death
a secret until after the Chinese New Year so as 
not to mar their celebration with a death announcement.

I used to listen to Fong Fei Fei a lot
in my hometown

and I had a lot of cassette tapes like these
of her songs!
I liked her because of her crystal clear
voice and simple lyrics which
made for easy listening.
(I'm not chinese-educated).

she loved hats and performed on stage with a variety
of hats

Farewell, Fong, ironical that you should die of lung cancer when you you do not smoke.....

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