
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Lacquer Factory, Vietnam Market and Streets of Saigon

After the War Remnants Museum, we were taken to
the Lacquer Factory, one of Vietnamese 

this is the factory

a boy outside gave us a short briefing:
lacquer with mother of pearl, eggshells and marble inlay

 then we walked around the production area

 and the viewing gallery...all items are for sale
 vases of all shapes and sizes
 even lacquer tables and cupboard
 lacquer plates and collectibles

 lacquer paintings

 beautifully elaborate wall hanging (with mother of pearl inlay)

sold at the market for a fraction of the price:
lacquer chopsticks in boxes
 after the factory visit we were brought to the market
 passing by busy streets
 amidst the busy hustle and bustle, locals grab a bowl of mee
 can you see the hawkers by the roadside, while the busy traffic just whizzed past them?
in between I could a street vendor 
 waiting for customers
 and street fruit sellers

  we have reached the market
 lots of trinkets for sale
 and tit bits too
 vietnamese fashion

 there was nothing for us to buy, so we went out for a drink
roadside drink sellers were a-plenty

 Saigon beer

 waiting outside the ladies'
 more street vendors

 tutti frutti in Vietnam!
 how the market looks like

 we sat here for a drink
 very well stocked with lots of fruits
 and coconuts

 the fresh market

 we also sat outside the streets for more young coconut drinks
 we look lost among the motorbikes
 killing time before dinner
 then the van fetched us for our dinner
 at  Ca DA (I think, I can't make out the words!)
please see next post for details of our dinner here!

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