
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Meeting with Chief Minister of Terengganu on 5 MARCH 2010

I received an invitation card
 from the"setiausaha Kerajaan Terengganu"
(secretary of the Terengganu Government) to meet with
Chief Minister of Trengganu 
and the mass media
for a discussion

she had sent me an email earlier, and she followed up with an official card invite and a telephone call.

After discussing with my colleague, a Terengganu local, I declined the invitation on these grounds:
1. It is on a school day, in fact next week is the start of the school semester break and it would have been suitable then. I would be free to travel to Terengganu and treat it as a holiday.

2. I would have to take two days of CRK (Cuti Rehat Khas) or Special leave because Terengganu is very far and I would not have reached there for the meet and be home in time for my work.

3. I would have to travel on Monday morning to and Tuesday morning fro and have to pay for accomodation for Monday night at Primula Hotel.
Primula Hotel

4. If I fly, I would have to fork out at least RM800 and if I travel by coach, I would have to spend at least 8 hours on the road, if my husband drives me there, my youngest daughter would have no one to take her to school, if the maid takes her to school, there would be no one to provide home cooked meals for my work-weary son.

5. If I do manage to go I would have to spend RM1000 (plane tickets and 1 night hotel stay) just to meet the Menteri Besar of Terengganu and that also I would not have the chance to see him face to face or hob nob with him shoulder to shoulder as there would have been a swarm of journalists and a battalion of security.

6. By the way I only made RM500 from my Terenganu blog and now I have to pay more that RM1000 (plus food and incidentals)
to meet the Menteri Besar!
Chief Minister of Terengganu

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