
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

War Remnants Museum Vietnam, Part 2

Eyes opened in Death,
fingers interlaced.
Look of fear etched forever.

I have come back to my Vietnam travel stories that I have put on hold due to the lack of megabytes that I have used up, and also I have no more events and dinners to "report" heheh!

So here's Part 2 of the pics on the War Remnants Museum and focussing on the Chemical Warfare (Agent Orange) and the massacre at My Lai.

Crazy stupid War Wagers, so called Commander of the Strategic Air Command to utter senseless words like this...Saigon was more developed than Kuala Lumpur before 1965 and now they have been bombed back into the Stone Age they are economically behind KL and finding it hard to get back on their feet again.
Mind boggling figures that say it all: Vietnam War lasted a whopping 17 years 2 months (World War 2 only lasted 3 years 8 months) and deployed 14,300.000 tons of bombs an artillery shells.
Imagine, that could be your mother, and those kids could have been you.

One of the two iconic photos that I have told you about in an earlier posts.
Angelic faces frozen in death: incidentally, the day that we went there (March 16) was the anniversary of My Lai massacre: The My Lai Massacre ] was the Vietnam War mass murder of between 347 and 504 unarmed civilians in South Vietnam on March 16, 1968, by United States Army soldiers of "Charlie" Company of 1st Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment, 11th Brigade of the Americal Division. Most of the victims were women, children, infants, and elderly people. Some of the bodies were later found to be mutilated. The massacre took place in the hamlets of Mỹ Lai


In the course of three hours more than 500 Vietnamese civilians were killed in cold blood at the hands of US troops. The soldiers had been on a "search and destroy" mission to root out communist fighters in what was fertile Viet Cong territory.
source: here

Not only did they rob, pillage, kill, maim, massacre, they also used CHEMICAL WARFARE!!!!
Soldiers using face mask. what about the civilians?
AGENT ORANGE!!! 10 years of toxic rains, 72 million litres of Agent Orange sprayed over Vietnam.

Villagers running away from a Napalm attack, girl tears off clothes as she runs, look of terror on her face.
This is the other iconic photo apart from the top one.
Low flying planes spraying Agent Orange and all sorts of chemicals on land : lethal, far reaching and deadly.
Mass devastation, not a freak of nature, but wrought by Man's own hands : Man's Inhumanity towards Man.
The chemical weapons spawned generation after generation of mutated, "cacated", handicapped, deformed and malformed babies and children, some who survived to adulthood needing a lifetime of care and help.
the effects are still seen in 1990's and the new millenium. At least they get to be born, look at pic below
human mutants.
Whole families of handicaps

Apart from pictures, there was also a whole building showing the prisons and cells of POWs
Tiger Cages
Documentation of atrocities committed against prisoners in jail
The guillotine! of the French Revolution fame. They actually brough it here to behead prisoners.
The aforesaid tiger cages

His eyes. They tell of untold misery and suffering you and I will never comprehend.
Outside the museum were the bomber planes and assorted military warcraft.
Let's hope that the War Remnants Museum will remain: REMNANTS

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