
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Juice Beauty Workshop at the Gardens Club

I have NOT been to beauty workshops for a very long time,
and I have not been to the Gardens Club for about a year!!

So when I received this invitation and since it was Wesak day holiday, 
I sacrificed sleeping in to drag myself out of bed to attend.

The entrance of the Gardens Club, at the Cocoon Floor
 It was conducted by a Hong Kong girl: Hyat Bibi who spoke fluent Cantonese

She was giving a demo and teaching us how to eat healthily, but all I could think of was
 this!!! The food station!!
 Food was sponsored by the Yogitree, also in the Gardens

 "Real Food"

 Chicken wings and savoury buns

My plate.....when I went back for chicken wings, they were all gone!!!
Some of the organic on display which are available from the Yogitree
 The Yogitree
F-237B, Level 1,
The Gardens, Midvalley City,
Kuala Lumpur.
Contact: 03-2282 6213 | Opening Hours: 10 am –10 pm daily 

After demonstrating massage techniques, she gave some make up tips
She is dressed in the Bohemian Rhapsody style with flat sandals and the look suited her.

                                                               Enjoying our brunch
The 2 ladies are Tai Tais! (ladies of leisure) and they taught me
to drink honeyed green tea from the coffee dispenser outside at the club!

The Gardens Club area where you can surf, have a cuppa
and I like to read all the magazines that I do not buy:
Astelier, Glam, Bazaar, The Peak, Tatler, Icon and Cosmopolitan.

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