
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Jackfruit in my garden!

The nangka or jackfruit tree has finally
borne  fruit! And it's a whopper!
IKR? It's huge!
Husband woke me up on Saturday morning to
take photo with his baby
before he takes it down...
Months of keeping the fruitling (small own word!) under wraps

hard work come to fuition...literally.
My secret garden.
Pointing to show you it.
okay, ready for the picking!
Final hurrah.
Ready for the slaughter.
Pics are unresized because uploaded by iphone Blogger.


  1. Nice pictures!!!! I laughed until i cried with ur caption "Husband woke me up on Saturday morning to
    take photo with his baby
    before he takes it down..."

    Papa sure sayang it a lot! So many of them on the tree!!! So many leaves! And mommy u look good!

  2. I look good? Thanks... Actually I just got woken up by Papa from my sweet slumber... And thought I had to wear sunnies to hide swollen eyes( from sleep)
