
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Spiderman 2012 Preview 3 July 2012

Caught the preview screening of 
The Amazing Spiderman
(slated to open tomorrow 5th July 2012)
last night at the Curve

brand new Spiderman movie with all-new cast that
got my teenage girl all excited.....
It had her heart throb, Andrew Garfield..

Tobey Maguire (a good actor, in my opinion) was a terrible Peter Parker. He didn’t look the part and just wasn’t believable. 
Clearly the creators of The Amazing Spider-Man took note of this, because I can’t imagine there ever being a better Peter Parker than Andrew Garfield. He just “got” it and completely nailed the smartass awkwardness that we love in the character. Emma Stone, while not an ideal Gwen Stacy on paper, gave one of the best performances of her career and was absolutely believable as the character.  
and Emma Stone, winner of the Trailblazer Award

 tonight, I parked at the Curve, not at e@Curve...
and I want to show you the pic because of its notoriety
as the carpark where a girl was abducted while going to her parked car...
 Happily posing at the Spiderman poster
 and happily collected free popcorn and drinks!!! movie, free popcorn, free drinks!!!!

 she loved to instagram herself
 I think we are dead ringers for each other, right?
 the resemblance is uncanny, if I do say so myself
 (I am not making faces at the camera or trying to get fresh, but I was popping popcorn when she snapped)
 We look like each other, no?

after the movie, we had to walk back to our parked car through the Street....

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