
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Behind the scenes at the Photobooth Photo Shoot

Outside the banquet hall there is a big box full of props and disguises
where you can pick whatever you fancy to wear for the fun photoshoot

 everyone rummaging though the things available
in the huge bottomless box for life changing costumes
 choosing whatever suits their alter ego
 now is the chance to be whatever you have secretly wanted to be: here Tiffany has a burning desire to be a bunny girl
 Ken and Hong wanted to be Maverick stand-up comics duo
but no one caught their jokes
even when they delivered their punchlines.
 Do I look suave? says Ken. Do I look like the three stooges? Hong asks his daughter
 these four siblings/gf wanted to be the next 2 Direction, since One Direction is made up of 4 boys.
 or maybe the Mickey Mouse Club wannabes
 Mummy joined them as the chaperone
 Hong and the 2 ladies of his life
 me and my two clones
 Uncle S, Auntie SY, Uncle Y and Aunt Nancy
exchanging glances, wondering what's it's like...
taking no chances, far into the night.....
 family of aristocrats
 The femme fatale and the swashbuckler
 Just for one night the educator and the doctor donned masks 
to assume wicked identities of wild abandon
and it was caught on celluloid
and preserved for posterity.
 Have a glass of bubbly?
 My champagne life and caviar dreams
and my back-up finance/health minister
Romeo and Juliet

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