
Monday, April 22, 2013

Earthquake in Sichuan

四川省雅安市蘆山縣20日上午8時發生芮氏規模7.0強震,震央蘆山縣龍門鄉更有99%的房屋垮塌。由於事發當時正逢周末,許多人正在家中休息,甚至還沒起床,就有大陸網友拍到一對情侶檔,可能急著想逃出房門,連衣服都來不及穿,抱著棉被遮住重點部位就跑到大街上。In ya ' an Lushan County, Sichuan province 20th 7 Richter scale earthquake occurred, the epicenter of Longmen Township of Lushan County 99% House collapse. Because the incident was every weekend, many people are at home resting, we haven't even got up, photographed a couple of friends on the Mainland, may be anxious to escape out the door, even too late to wear her own clothes, a blanket cover the important parts and ran out onto the street. (Translated by Bing
When an emergency strikes, (here, and earthquake) you are left with nothing but the clothes on your back, here (with nothing but the comforter to comfort you in)

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