
Friday, May 31, 2013

Yoga in the Park by Shape Magazine

Last year I missed Yoga in the Park because of the rally (political)
so this year I managed to join the event, especially since it is held
at the Lake Gardens.

 the grand stand at the Panggung Anniversari
 It was 7 in the morning!!! 
 waiting for other participants to arrive
 early morning picture
 early morning sky

 sponsors: Shape, Fitness First and Herbalife
 Herbalife staff pouring breakfast power drink

  from a container that looked like an A4 shape file!!
 Editor of Shape starting off the event

 can you see the demonstrators limbering up? they are so flexible!
 er...toilet break, I followed them, thinking it was food time
 which was the top of the astaka
 chicken alfafa sandwich!!!
 staff of Herbaline made and served these healthy snacks
 that is all the food for today, plus replacement meal protein drinks!
 nice toilets at Lake Gardens, worthy of tourists
 back to the astaka for more yoga
 nice view of the platform where we had our yoga
 the instructors are so far away from us, at this stage

 so they came and sat in our midst
 yoga is over at 10 so I walked back to Lake Club where I parked my car
 this is Panggung Anniversari, just opposite Lake Club
 I have been a member of Lake Club for a long time, but I have never been to the Lake Gardens!
 nor this Anniversary Theatre

 situated right opposite the Club
 so I went in for a proper breakfast

 the Shape banner was where I found the Theatre because I do not know where it is
 I popped into the ballroom where my eldest daughter and I used to take ballroom dance lessons with Desmond
 It looked as if we had never left,
everything was still the same
and I remembered I used to drink hot chinese tea from this crate
in between the dances.
 my door gifts from Yoga in the Park
 Facial kit from Herbalife
 Adidas cap
 Fitness First Flask
f50 drinking bottle.

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