
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Saung Sunda Sawargi Batam Restaurant

Tonight we are going to have an authentic Indonesian dinner
after many lunches and dinners in Chinese restaurants

 me and Evonne outside the thatched roof of the place
 so Indon looking, the restaurant, not us!
 what the interior looks like: busy, gaudy and headache inducing!!
 see what I mean? All those details are enough to make your head spin, if not your stomach churns!
 waiting to be served: plain water and slices of timun (cucumber) for stgarters
 look at my four slices of cucumber and one slice of tomato for the bunch of us! I say...
earlier, we posed in this outdoor dining hut...

 see the hut? we actually ate in one when we were in Bali
 this is the way the locals sit?
 the first dish arrived...a small piece of fish to be shared among all of us!

 then this backet was deposited in front of us....curious, we took one each, and that was it: ONE EACH!!
 no second helpings!
 we unrolled, unwrapped and looked at it
 it is actually our rice!
 wrapped in banana leave!
 we are to eat it with accompaniments on this brown waxed paper on top of a basket
 nice delicious rice though!
 next dish was this fried corn, that was so little, it was attacked and gone in seconds!
 nedt: kerabu taugeh, or taugeh mango salad
 fried tauhu and tempe
 four pieces of chicken!!!
 fruit punch
 extra rice was in the more banana leaf wrapped rice..
we waited and waited for the next course...NO MORE!!! After all our elaborate Chinese 8 course meals, this was by far the cheapest, simplest and UNFULL meal...we were all still not full or satisfied!!! We were even desperate for fried omelette!!!
 the kitchen
 other parts of the dining hall
 outdoor dining hall
Our dinner ended so fast
and it was still bright outside so we took photos lor...
 lots of posing
 like as if I have never seen such a low dining table before
 I really haven't!

 our tour guide (girl) and the Singapore tour guide
 entrance of the restaurant

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