
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Durian Feast in School

What are these people doing milling around the car?

baby locked in the car???

Mashitah gives me a sheepish grin
she is pregnant and she is satisfying her craving for

 a truckload full of durians...FREE!!!

sponsored by this teacher: Pn Rohaya!
she paid RM150 for the whole truck full!

so beautiful! so delicious! so yummy! so expensive, you know!!!

the men teachers keep on opening the durians for us to eat!

 Haslina and Alice (Nurelisya)
 Salwani and Khiruddin
 wow, look at the knife!
 nice pose with a durian

 young and old

 no shortage of men to open the durians
 non stop eating!
 I have died and gone to durian heaven
so expert
 PE teacher prises open the durians easily

 this substitute teacher loves to pose
 jolly and eating in the surau

 we did not eat these, these are clogs from the surau...incongruous, because clogs are so chinese, but the Malays use it for their ablutions

 they went and called more teachers to come and join the feast
 this girl just lowered her head and ate off the teacher's fruit,
so she fed it to her

 Yazid keeps on giving me the choice parts..."Nah!! Ah Moi...for you"

 Asrul likes to photobomb me


I managed to shake him off!


durians all gone!!!

Luckily I managed to ta pau !
My stash to put in the fridge 
and enjoy them for the next few days!!!

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