
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Snippets of Jakarta Group's Visit

The Jakarta group had a whirlwing 2 and a half day visit to Kuala Lumpur

Meeting the contingent at the airport
me waiting at Shiok Cafe with the goodie bags for them

some of the stuff in the goodie bag

the first group arrives
ordering a la carte
going back to the hotel with their goodie bags, yes, that's Siti Norhaliza's image on the bags!
at 4, the DG (Eva) is met on arrival
that night we had dinner at Moon Palace for the signing and welcoming ceremony
they gave us gifts of jadeite pendants with the Rotary badge

mine is the yellow round one

Jenny and me sporting the pendant gifts
 yummy food chinese banquet style

 signing of the sister club
group photo for posterity
last year's group photo at Jakarta

 the next morning we took them sight seeing at KL City Gallery (I myself have not been there!)
the president

the girls find it blisteringly hot!

group photo (almost group)

next, we had retail therapy at KLCC
Note that Rio is carrying Ted Baker bag for DG Eva tucked under his armpit
at 4 it was durian feast at SS2
at night we had wheelchair presentation ceremony
at Beautiful Gate 
 then we went to Setia Walk for clubbing and karaoke, and the above group went pub crawling at Bangsar
 having fun on the streets of Bangsar
and Changkat Bukit Bintang till 3 a.m.!!
 Next morning, we gave them a bak kut teh breakfast
delicious bak kut teh with  soup, dried, trotters, chicken feet, tendons and yau cha kuai
at 3 they toured Putrajaya and caught their flight at 5.

at 7.17, Rio texted me that he is at the airport, Jakarta!

Hectic but fun 3 days 2 nights in Kuala Lumpur!!!!

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