
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

I want to bathe here..I wanna go Japan again

Awesome catchment area for the naked communal bath!!

It's been a year since Rotenburo no hi in Takayama!!
If you are visiting Takayama during the Open-air Bath Day on 26 June~ 5 open-air hot springs will be available for free in the Okuhida Area!
There will be a stamp rally too - where you can collect stamps at these spots to redeem for a souvenir at the end of the day!!
This onsen just looks plain awesome!
It's 新穂高の湯 (Shin-hotaka no yu)~
The list of free hot springs would be:

Open-air bath day (26 June / 露天風呂の日 Rotenburo no hi)

5 open-air hot springs in Okuhida Area will be opened for free admission in 26 June. It is like a play on words, 6.26 is called "Roten-buro" which means "Open-air bath" in Japanese. We are very sorry that Kamino-yu in Hirayu-onsen is closed for repairs. 
“Stamp Rally”
Please try to collect 4 series of stamps at 5 spots to get a special souvenir(within 1 day).

Visit this site for more information(Japanese):
Open-air bath day (26 June / 露天風呂の日 Rotenburo no hi)
5 open-air hot springs in Okuhida Area will be opened for free admission in 26 June. It is like a play on w...
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