
Monday, June 9, 2014

Mandarin Oriental mini honeymoon

It's Agong's Birthday and a public holiday so we booked ourselves a room at Mandarin Oriental to enjoy a mini  honeymoon and to use up our vouchers too lah.

In the lap of luxury....
free upgrade to a room with twin towers view

the Petronas Twin Towers is right outside our window on the 21st floor

Towers by night...awesome and regal and bathed in a subdued lights that was promptly switched off at midnight!!!

At night we went out to the food court in Suria KLCC for dinner

But first, let us take a selfie  WEFIE..

We had three types of hawker food!!

Ipoh sar hor fan

sizzling hot plate noodles

and yummy nasi lemak!!!! hahahaha!!!
Best meal and most enjoyable and satisfying dinner than any fancy or expensive fine dining.

Then we mingled with the crowd
popular musical fountains
Then we had an early night after blogging (me) and stockbroking (him)

Not terribly exciting to you nor an unusual outing by any standards but it was a getaway, nonetheless!!!

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