
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Steering Lock for Order

Her Fb account has been de activated, her blog is shut down,
but her work place site is still on
and netizens use it to scold her!!!

Dahlh hitam. Lubang hdung besar.. gigi bersepah.. model 

seluar dlam bolehlh ni.. blurrkn muka.. kikipuki.

(Black forhead, big nostrils, crooked teeth, maybe can be an underwear model, blur face, Kiki (F....)

Jangan lupa bawak stereng lock ye

( Dont forget to bring a steering lock , ok?

oh ni gangster besar tu yea ??

Oh, this is the big gangster?

 I can crash all the white Peugeot, but I will purposely leave ONE so that everyone can see how rude she is
 I can afford a Ferrari but I purposely buy a Peugeot so that I can get to attract more hunks including Bangla(degratory term for Bangladesh workers who like to make local girls run off with them)

 Orders for steering locks is open now

Digi offers to pay for the damages

And she has apologised...
Uncle shows where her infamous steering lock has hit his car...

And Uncle has become a celebrity of sorts, with everyone in 
the Metro office clamouring to take photo with him!

 The case is settled with her apologising to Uncle
 But Peugeot has the last laugh:

It came out with a new advertisement:

A new Peugeot advertisement featuring an elderly man in a Toyota Corolla accidentally scrapped against a Peugeot 208 bearing the plate CDM 25 in Malaysia. Th...
New movie on the episode?

There is  even a FB  page now with more the 13K likes!
Kak Long Lock Steering - Pegiot CDM25's photo.
Kak Long Lock Steering - Pegiot CDM25
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