
Thursday, August 14, 2014

David Thien Executive Taxi for Kuching

 If you go to Kuching, I would highly reccommend you look up David Thien

This is how he looks like:
your friendly tour guide and driver 
trusted and pleasant

He runs his own taxi and tour guide service
and subject to availability, 
will fetch you anywhere in Kuching for a reasonable fee
e.g. Crocodile farm and Annah Rais Longhouse for RM160
We booked him for the whole day (9 am to 5 am for RM300)
his meter actually showed more than RM300 because he also took us for lunch and to the hotspring

Since there was only 3 of us, he took us around in his Innova taxi
He also has a van for bigger groups.
This is his card:
tel No: +60 19 887 6928

He doubled as our impromptu English speaking tour guide
And our unofficial photographer!

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