
Saturday, September 27, 2014

Grand Prize Winners of NIE Tale Spin 2014

This is the 2nd year of Tale Spin,

although the students' NIE programme has been going on for many years and I have been doing NIE too, (getting pizza vouchers for the students)...there were many themes, like "Mag Inc" etc (I have forgotten the names) and last year, they started Tale Spin.

This year I am so surprised my daughter is one of the students in the team that won. As many as 30.000 entries are received each year.

this is the report when they were chosen as finalist, they were up against a team from Sarawak
 this is the group photo of all the winners in all the categories
 Jacey at the Q and A session
Alwyn and Jenn at the presentation
they had to re enact their story
 Jacey performing convincingly

after many weeks of preparation, they took the Grand prize!!
the five members of the group!

 so happy!!! they took photos of the mock-up cheque individually

the k pop girl

she actually sewed all the muschroom hats for the team
 they reached the school past 5 in the evening, I was waiting for them to fetch my daughter back and took more photos of them outside their school

 wow!!! great prizes: Scholarships worth RM150,000 (for any pre-u programme at Taylor's College) which is RM30K for the 5 of them, and 4 days 3 Nights Disneyland, Hong Kong, accompanied by their lucky teacher. The runner-up gets a trip to Genting Highlands.

 posing outside their school

me and my daughter...
every year for umpteen years I have been helping my schools and my students to do NIE and what do you know? my own daughter won the NIE for her school
 and for me!

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