
Monday, October 27, 2014

Community Service Project: Vision 2020

ON 14 October, we had another Community Service Project

this project is called Vision 2020

Where 200 students were given free eye screening and out of that 44 were found to be short sighted and prescription glasses were made for them, free.  Today was presentation day.

 This is the school that benefited from this project: BK 1 school
right opposite the row of shops in Section 1
where we had a nice breakfast before starting the project...I had wantan mee!
 Jenny and William busy sorting out the glasses according to the classes and names
 to facilitate presenting the spectacles to the students when their names are called
 President Jimmy and treasurer Francis attended the ceremony too

 me, Jimmy and the headmistress, I am seated here because I am asked to translate what he says to Malay
 the other organisers now take their place: Rina and Jenny.

 Headmistress gives her opening address
 the students beneficiaries
 held at the meeting room
 President Jimmy giving his speech in English

 and tells me what to translate
 banking on my Malay language knowledge!!
Next time I must get pen and paper ready to translate on the spot what President says so I can do a good job!
 Now presentation ceremony is about to begin
 Chinese student

 Malay, and Indian students,..regardless of race, all gets the gift of sight (glasses lah)

 optician adjusts and teach them how to care for the free spectacles
 he teaches them how to handle and put them on to maximise usage of the glasses

 these are the students who benefited from this scheme
 And we take a picture for documentation purposes.
Day well spent!

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