
Thursday, December 11, 2014

Seeing off the Taiwanese 3...Lunch at KLIA Restaurant

Before the Taiwanese flew off, we had lunch at KLIA coffee shop

you cannot find this, only taxi drivers know where it is!!!
We had already said goodbye to the Taiwanese and purportedly left in another car, but we secretly trailed the President who led us to this!!!! Hahaha!!!

We had soup wantan mee with dumplings!
 the most succulent, delicious and moist roast pork and belly pork

This morning, those who came for breakfast late were caught in this jam!!!
I was early because I decided to forgo my dancing class to see off the Taiwanese...and also, I am a retiree!!! so free!!!

Note the lone car in the Smart Tag lane!!! Something is so wrong!!!

Traffic congestion on LDP’s first day of contra-flow system:
Photo: Traffic congestion on LDP’s first day of contra-flow system:

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