
Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Hanoi's Biggest Buffet Farewell Dinner

After our boat ride we landed and found ourselves at stalls for more shopping!!! (also after dodging people trying to sell us photos they took of us during the boat ride)

 Most of the stalls had pretty much the same stuff for sale: bags and vases and souvenirs.
What did we buy?
Vietnamese bags!!!
I got myself a tiny tote bag, not from here but from the night market a few nights earlier,

Soon it was time for our "impressive farewell dinner"!
This is the place ironically called "sen" which means the lowly "cent" in Malaysia but I was told it cost USD25 per person for walk-ins, though for us package tourists, the price was about 18.
This is our buffet tix...
 Wow!!! at last I saw some Vietnamese rolls!!!
Had not had any this entire Hanoi trip yet!

 Tour guide is taking us on a well, tour!
 But this time "tour" of the buffet place 
which I admit was quite HUGE!!!

 So we went around "rekki"
 (I learnt this time from the Rotarians. they like to go "rekki here rekki there", and at first I could not get what that means, but I came to my own conclusion: 
it must have come from the word "reconnaissance" !!!
 BBQ section
 with a mountain of bbqed prawns
 there!!! more food over there! 
 There! I will go there! I saw some raw fish at the Sushi bar!

Sushi and fish are available hereat the Japan Market and you should see how one man monopolised the thongs at  the salmon section! By the time he was done, there were only some miserable remnants left for me and the others!

 Not to worry, there ARE many choices of food
 and the closest place I can think of in KL is the Makan Kitchen which can compare to Sen.

 so here we are, happily tucking in.
 These aunties have invaded the seafood section and plopped some snails on my plate for me!
 Pathetic looking baby duck that we all were too sad and sorry for, to be able to chomp on it...
 Look how cruel the baby had its life ended and snuffed out...
Ewwww!!! I only posed with it, it doesn't have much meat on its bones anyway...

I did not wait to find out if Chris ate it or posed with it... I went off in search of more food
 and got more fish...
 Going out, I saw these:
 I had not seen it since my girlhood small town days..

 dough dolls!!!
 I could remember the doll maker twisting coloured dough and shaping them into dolls!! with a pinch here and a nip there and a swoosh! voila, a doll was fashioned and sewered onto to sticks..from the picture I can make out the Monkey King
 (soo bok kong, my favourite mythical character during my childhood)

 then we are supposed to spend time taking photos outside, and these lanterns remind me of Hoi An.

Our happy group...we have survived 4 days together..11 aunties and one "thorn"
 And our last hotel for the night
 Chalcedony....hmmnn fancy and unpronounceable name! and I do not know its meaning either!
 Ha ha ha!  Chris knows that if she sticks with me, we will get our photos taken!!

These naughty aunties wish us "Happy Time" because they still have the energy to go to the biggest pasar malam , but we are staying in.

Good night!!! After our shower, we are  hitting the sack!
Tomorrow we fly back!!

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