
Saturday, December 19, 2015

Invitation to TSL Cocktail Event

 Today I attended TSL Cocktail Event at the Gardens,

 Took me some time to get there because it was a Friday and Xmas shopping is at its frenzied peak!

Here I am outside TSL having collected my door gift.
 Cocktail and drinks had started
 wow!!! at RM190 per gram gold price, this must cost an astronomical sum!
 Ladies had already started serious shopping as there was 55% off for jewellery but not gold, so I did not want to start my "daughter-in-law" shopping for gold yet.
 so I had some nifty bites....they looked too good eat!
 I took one of each
 the chicken (with yellow flower) but not the tomato (with white flower)
 the desserts came and again, I got one of each!
 treats are by Nathalie from Publika

Then I had lobster (in a spoon) and also some mini burgers

There was going to be a second round of fashion show (the first one had started) but I did not wait, but went shopping instead.

door gift (pin in shape of diamond with TSL initials)

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