
Sunday, May 15, 2016

Back to kl by First Coach

While the others fly back I stuck to my faithful old trusted mode of transport : First Coach RM55 to spore and RM85 from Spore!!! (Booked online with NO  handling fee) 

It departs from Novena Square and guess what? My niece fetched me there and my friends took time off to spend time with me before I set off! Here they are so busy getting my brunch! 

"Hey!!! Why you take my photo without my knowledge?? I need to pose Lah!!!" Hahaha!!!
So she smoothed her hair and "hahahaha... " she guffawed again. That is her signature laugh..

 HAHAHAHA...more laughs from her I took a pic of her posing ..and look at our food! Mee rebus and laksa set that comes with thick toast which  I ta pau for the bus. 
So they saw me off as I got on the bus.
It was 3rd May and holiday is over so there was no rush at the customs.. The coach even stopped right in front of the immigration counter and all I had to do was push my luggage across the drain and present my passport !!

My most trusted mode of transport to Singapore; FIRST COACH. 

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