
Saturday, June 11, 2016

Lunch at Pesta Perak, Jogjakarta

 Exiting the Taman Sari Water Palace, we wove through some village, as the palace is surrounded by the common people living in the environs. 

  And here we are outside the Water Palace, you can still see some of the pavilions and structures.

 Our lunch was at Pesta Perak, and it was served buffet style.

 These are some the unusual food found here which my husband and daughter did not dare touch:
 Beef skin: I loved this as it tasted like gelatin or taupok in curry and I am sure it was loaded with collagen!
 Gudeg of jackfruit: I tried it..just a little.
 Tour guide of course loved the above 2 dishes!
 I am all dishevelled and sweaty from the morning tours! 
 Nice garden setting.

 The three of us eating lunch amidst greenery (restaurant has an indoor garden)

 ya, the three of us....because the rest of the restaurant was.....EMPTY!!!!
 Buffet table was also empty!!!! (of people, not food)
 more table settings, fully served, but no diners.
so sad, right? I just  hope this is, as tour guide says not the peak season and today was a weekday, so there are no customers except us, the guide and the van driver.  On leaving, husband said he saw the owner looking at all the food untouched. Sad scenario. 

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