
Friday, July 29, 2016

RCPC Shanghai Night 23 July 2016

The Installation Night of our club with Rina as president had the theme : Shanghai Night.

Me and hubby in Shanghai costumes specially for the night!
I wore a maroon velvet long qipao with sewn on sequins!
What some of the guests wore.

What the men wore.
This is Kevin, the President of RC Song Jing!! He strikes great poses!
 We paraded in our qipaos!!!

 Standing for national anthems of Taiwan, Japan, Indonesia, Philippines and Malaysia!
with respective flags flying!
Then we were all installed!!! My post is "Vocational Director" because I love to organize vocational trips, thanks to James Lai who supplies me all the contacts.
This is Rina, the President and William Beh, the Public Image Director because he is an IT expert.
There was a best dressed award and these are the 3 winners.
Winners in the Men category.
We even did a dance performance "Quiero" and "Well Do Ya"!!

The Taiwan and Indonesian contingent led by PDG Eva
 From Japan, Kojima
 The Philippine contingent.
My friends from Manila Alabang, Taiwan Song Jing and Jakarta Sunter.
I had fun!!! It was a successful and memorable night!!

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