
Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Open House at Taman Duta

Every year we go to Suri’s house for Hari Raya open house. This year hubby worked all day so we got to go after he had come back and rested for a bit. 

Lots of food and stalls/table serving Malaysian delectables.

We sat near the dessert table so here are pics of the dessert: tropical fruits in season

Baskets of rambutans langsat bananas oranges 

Cookies cakes and cupcakes 

Docs and their spouses ...this spouse is behind the camera 

Chocolate fountain 

I love the char Kway Teow and mee goreng so I had 2 helpings 

The main dishes: curries, rendang, ayam kurma, nasi beriani, lemang and satay

Thosai and roti canai stall

Kway Teow is always gone as soon as he finished frying 

Roast lamb ... delicious   and fall off the bone softness 

Errr.. no nasi lemak , but there’s ketupat and satay

The food table as we entered the garden

Entrance to her huge house where the party was held in the garden compound as always. 

Anne and LFO were here long before us and she told me she finished eating liao ......hmmm I enjoyed all rhe yummilicios food esp the fried flat noodles!!! 

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