
Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Dorsett Subang Meeting

Attended RC PJ meeting because Jen wants to switch clubs and she’s shopping for one so I tagged along . 

I went along to see how other clubs hold their meeting and to meet more men hehe

This one holds weekly meetings at 5 star hotel 

Parked and walked through the grand ballroom 

Melati room and I could not find the mains was located outside : steamed rice with mutton masala and chicken kurma

Met Christopher from Kota Kinabalu 

Dr Tarcicius whom I’ve read about in the press, a lot 

Chris and chartered president Chan from Ara Damansara  ..he brought 7 members to visit 

Talk by JSMN Tuan 

Wow !!! Eye opening talk ..a common topic but she gave a fresh approach and she’s from Singapore 

So, today my meeting was a fruitful one! Good to get out of your comfort zone and meet other members from other clubs!!

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