
Saturday, December 22, 2018

Farewell to our classmate

Our speakers club classmate of 2017 is leaving malaysia for good :  below is s picture of her from her fb.. isn’t she gorgeous ? 

She I moving to USA ... pic stolen from her fb

We had a farewell lunch for her 

Organised by Doreen

3 classmates .,Datin Chiann and I from her class were able to attend 

Venue is the wonderful Hubba

Nice ambiance before I entered Hubba cafe

A few weeks ago we had a Chinese dinner at Lake Club by other classmates for her .

Good that most of us were able to make it, together with her mum and our instructor.

Lovely chinese dinner at Bunga Raya, Lake Club.

We will remember her for her tequila,margarita (though I didn’t get to taste any as I had knee operation at the time the lessons were held in her house) dancing and Mexican accent!!! (Pic from Dor’s fb) 

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