
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Nate goes to a Pie Thing : Meeting Aunties!

Nate’s mom wanted to meet her friends and classmates but she chose a weekday lunch and most of them work and couldn’t come so Grandma invited her retiree friends! 

Tuesday Lunch at A Pie Thing. 

Smiling on the way there!

The early birds: my old classmate Chew Lian and her son Dr Jason

Chan, Mrs Lim, Khaw from MBS and Chew Lian from Convent Batu Pahat 

Aunties are old school..they give Ang pows 

Thanks for coming! 

From CPR and MBS

From my “Busy Moms Network “ Felicia her son and daughter Jacey

Nora and daughter Nicki

My Busy Mom Network! My daughter is my youngest so that makes the oldest mom! (She’s not here though) 

My MBS colleagues with our student Janette now a mom too and she is my eldest daughter’s classmate.

So glad these 3 musketeers (as they call themselves) could come because we have not seen each other since the time we were thrown together into the same staff room to be together...a lot! 

My lovely CPR (Convent Peel Road) colleagues.. I was their boss and they always did my bidding..without question and without fail! 
Lydia Julia Chen and Esther!!! 

My daughter’s classmate and friend 

My Balkan Trip tour mates Jennifer and June who became my yum char buddies 

The whole group minus the Busy Mom Network gang

Waaah colleagues and friends forever!!! 

Aunties enjoyed their pies

Dakgalbi flavor complete with seaweed topping 

Youngest daughter was cheesed off she wasn’t around but her friends came Hahahaha! 

Below are some screenshots I surreptitiously took off some posts on social media 

Janette with her ex teacher who taught her Chemistry 

Nate enjoyed all the attention 

That he was still smiling all the way back 

Well almost!!

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