
Saturday, February 26, 2011


I have found some old Marche pictures when my sister was featured in a Chinese newspaper where she was interviewed and below were the pictures that her daughter sent to me:

View of Marche outlet at VivoCity, Singapore
Another section of the popular outlet, it seeks to recreate a Swiss feel

Here my sister is about to demonstrate to foreign Marche workers

It is not as easy as it looks...your hands have to be deft and sure

the battter has to be of the right consistency, thickness and you've got to work fast as the skillet is hot
then you have to wrap expertly or all the ingredients will fall out!
the right balance of fillings
no one can do it like she does
versatile: sweet crepes for dessert too
this is the picture used to blow up into the banner
now: 2011, her expertise is recognised and the banner using her photo to advertise for Marche is outside Food Republic on the way to Marche!
Last post, I asked the MBS students to go there, now, teachers, just say you are Pn Tay or Loo's colleague, and she will give you extra attention!!!!

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