
Saturday, February 26, 2011

My Pet Garden Snake

When I went back to my old Taman Midah house, I found the garden full of weeds. So I tried weeding it.

I pulled out this particular long weeds from a pot, and the whole clump of it came out, grass, plant (choked, dried and overwhelmed) soil (dried out ball of roots strangled by weeds) came clean from the pot.

The lallang that had overgrown and overpowered whatever original plant that was in there
Instead of the weeds coming out, the whole plant with the soil and grass (ball of root), came out

This is how the clump of roots, soil and weeds looked like in the pot....I was ready to toss it, but I wanted to save whatever soil that could be salvaged by shaking the soil to loosen it from the ball of roots....then I saw it...

Peering out from a hole within its secret hiding place in the crevices between the roots and soil
was my beautiful baby snake.
 It looked so harmless and cute, that it became my pet. It was very still, snug inside a nice hole within the roots, soil and weeds. It was to be my secret, because if I tell my husband he will take a big stick and whack it to a pulp.
The next day I came back to check on it, IT WAS GONE!!!! The pot was also emptied!! Emelda had cleared up everything and destroyed my pet's home..
Footnote: My husband has a warning for all: Stay away from snakes, don't fool around with snakes, some smaller species are the most venomous: if they bite one, their venom travel through one's bloodstream very fast, crippling and killing one in seconds.
It happens in 2 ways: either the venom attack the nerves and the victim cannot breathe and die
or as in the case of vipers, the poison makes the blood unable to clot, the victim will bleed until die, with the blood unable to clot.


  1. SOOOOOOOOOOO cute!!!!!

    U shud have put the whole thing in a big plastic bag, tie it up and buy a proper cage for pet snakes la...

  2. then it will die...better let it go back in the garden where it can stay in its natural habitat and find its own food and survival. By the way, today I went to all the nooks and cranies in the garden but I could not find any snake!

  3. If its poisonous, its not good to have it roaming free. A pet in a proper cage is better right? Or Coco might kill it... oh Coco is not in Midah anymore. Blog a post of Coco in Kinrara. I miss her
