
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Fatima's Open House

Fatima, the only line dance student in Puchong Jaya class (linda)
had an open house for us.  Her house is right opposite
out dance hall.

 with Fatima at the porch of her house
 all the dance members have already arrived, I was late! Seen here is Fong and Ann
 Ling Ling and Linda are already seated...Fatima's corner terraced house has a huge compound
 her food: roti jala, acar, egg strips
 Indonesian layer cake, all made by her.
 cookies, also made by Fatima
 Ann enjoying the spread
 Cheong and Fong listens to the explanation by Fatima
 how to eat the Sarawak kolo mee
 Kam Moi made these jellies (Kam Moi is chap fan cook for more than 10 years)
 Ikea tea light lantern
 her porch can fit all these food buffet
 plus two parked cars, and another table besides the one Linda and her friends are sitting (pic below)
 the main party is here
 Fatima the hostess at her buffet table
acar in a crystal bowl

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