
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Raya Party in Class by Upper 6 (PPUA)

Non stop eating in school....the upper 6 had a Raya
celebration at school in their classroom

 we are the form 6 teachers....I am the only "non"
 Nor Alia,(economics) Loo,(MUET) Saadiah(Accounts) and Nor Aslinin (Pengajian Am)
 Yazid, Asri, missing is Pn Jeya and Sharifah
 students getting the food ready
 Azli is the organizer and he is giving a short speech

 carbonara and tomato sauce with meatball spaghetti
 agar agar, curry puffs and seri muka
 rendang and roti jala
 Lean Yee, Ayuni, Rizal and Hafiq
 Amir Farid gives the doa (thanks)
 ready to eat!
 spoilt for choice!
 teachers and students helping themselves
 good feast!
 when I went down to the staff room, there was feasting going on there too! Shaibah with...I don't know what concoction is that...
 mee hoon soup
 and lots of other delicacies...they are quite at home feasting off the floor in the staff room
Aida...says..."tangkap gambar saya...masuk blog!"  take my pic and put it in your blog!!!

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