
Saturday, May 14, 2016

Convent Girls Reunion

Not to be outdone by BP High School boys, we convent girls also had our own reunion at Tonglok Novena Square 

BEng LNar LChoo GYan MKeun SBee..below: the sumptuos spread: 2 sets of our order!
SBee is a regular here and she was very good in ordering the best dim sum for us, 
And LNar did some reconnaissance the day before and got us to take advantage of a 30% discount from 3 to 4.30.
We had mushroom buns... Gigantic mushrooms that are actually buns with real mushrooms inside. 
Realistic and artistic yet delicious buns.
Baked buns and chee Cheong fun ( yummy minced meat with crispy flakes drowned in soya sauce)
SBee says "try these novelty buns"
Chai tau kueh 
Liu sar pau
Not for the food but for the sorority 
We stayed so long catching up we got a ice bowl of test tubed juice as a gentle reminder they are closing to reopen again later for dinner 
A glass tube  of apple juice ... One each 
6 convent girls who forgot they are 61 ,,, to them they are  only 16 ... In a wonderful girls' school in a little town called BP. 

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