
Thursday, May 12, 2016

Sembawang Hotsprings

Nestled amidst green woods next to an army camp lies a bit so well kept secret : Sembawang Hotsprings 
When we reached there were many people there already , collecting hot water in buckets to soak their feet 
Here she is with a basin for me...
Hahaha!! I wanted to pose  for the camera  but I  accidentally dunked my feet in the boiling water and I yelped in pain!! Not only that I was jumping about trying to avoid the hot water but ended up stepping on the basin with my whole FOOT in it! Believe you me .. It was really REALLY  HOT!! My whole left foot was scalded!! Everyone was looking and laughing at me! BTW the LV bag isn't mine, it's my sis' a precious gift from her son and she totes it everywhere, not me, I keep mine for functions only.
Hehe... If you notice carefully my feet is not in the water shhhhh!!
The hot water is purported to have healing and medicinal properties 
Hot steam and water coming out from the vents 
Uncle Roger says I must do this stance to get the best effects of the steam 
You can even boil  eggs but they did not cook well and we had to dispose of them . 
I got this picture from the The Huffington Post
The only "natural open-air bath" Senbawan hot spring located in the city-state Singapore

I think it's funny because you see a man socking inside a blue drum and a woman lying down having a natural hot bath!!!
and this picture is from here:

it gives you a step by step guide on how to get there!

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