
Saturday, November 26, 2011

12 November 2011 Convent HIJBP Mini Reunion at Marche Spore

After dinner, I got out of my glam clothes
into casuals to meet my old school mates

 Thanks to Lee Nar who initiated and got everyhone together.
First we met Sivapakiam who was staying at Sentosa Resort
She popped in specially to meet us
 Then Bee Eng joined us
 She was at the wedding of her nephew with me.
Bee Eng, Me, GY Koh and Lee Nar
 Finally, Siew Bee (Judy) joined us.
She had a late English class where she taught adults
Judy is the Firebrand, as always..She livened things up!!
Golden girls in our fabulous fifties"!!!

Now for some priceless beautiful young us photos!!!

Can You tell who is who?
(Some are not in the above reunion!)

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