
Friday, November 25, 2011

18 Nov 2011 Farewell For Chong, Kechara Oasis Vegetarian, Viva Home

Chong SC got her transfer to a 
new school, so we had a farewell
lunch for her on the last day of school.

We chose Kechara Oasis Vegetarian Restaurant,

Here's Chong, one of the youngest and most
glamourous teacher at out school.
Kechara has grand seating for banquet
 And we chose this niche for our table of 7
Located in Cheras, near our school

 We had the Special set at 98 ringgit (6-8 persons)
Soup of the day, 3 type of dim sum, Indonesian Fish, Butter Mushroom
Triple Treasure Bean, Dessert, Lassi and Veg Stick2 at RM3)

Lim, the baby teacher and Vasanthi 

 2 Ketua Bidangs
 Loo and me came late!
 so we ordered 2 extra dishes, this (5 vegetable stir fry at RM13.30
and  Butter Mushroom RM18,80
 Dessert: papayas in almond broth

 Oasis is a huge place, and I will choose this spot next time!
 Buddhist inspired decor

 Samples of dim sum that I got from Groupon

Any three baskets of dim sum for 15 ringgit!

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