went to Seventh Heaven again to visit Cosmetique for my facial....so luxurious of me, right?

7th Heaven reception is so posh and spacious and..........deserted..see the cleaner catching 40 winks?? hahaha!

corridor leading to window view ont 7th floor of Pavillion

every space is utilised...here a mirrored built-in desk top dressing table

a tiny room can alsoe house a facial bed

shower here if you dare

closer view of lounge chairs

even a tiny balcony can accomodate a spa shower

can I ask hubby to make a shower like this in our balcony?

so bored waiting for the mask to dry so took this pix of the dressing table

my dressing table decor

the bed has matching robe,brown satin quilted bedcover and stool cover

me n my sink

so fed up lying down so got up to take picture of this cold steam face thingie

My robe at Cosmetique...looks so nice I was loathe to untie it!