This is Chef Ismail. He is at the verandah of his restaurant posing by the yellow table and advertising his place.
I joined the Iwakl for this event on 15th June 2016 and driving there was quite easy except before I reached Lake Club and Lake Garden the traffic at Jalan Hishamuddin was at quite a standstill.
The restaurant on the fifth floor was quite huge, and I am at the terrace or verandah where there were more food and even tables. Lily took this for me.

Waiting for the gong to sound the break of puasa so we cold start to eat. Of course, we, the non-Muslims did not fast hehe.
Some of the ladies and men!
We could eat now, and well, I took too much food!
Let me show you the buffet table laden with food...this is inside the hall
lots of local fare (touted as authentic kampung food)
Everywhere there were these display rack of dishes which we used to use!!! I was quite tickled pink!
See? the kangkong dishes we serve dinner in, in Taman Midah house. When it gets chipped or broken and the number diminishes, I go to Batu Pahat to get fresh supplies! But here it is on show like antiques!!!
Note too, the tiffin and food carriers that Kong Kong uses too!
My favourite, siput masak lemak, it may taste like nothing but I love sucking out the curly wurly stuff and licking the lemak curry, I am that perverted.
Ferns or pucuk paku manis in lemak curry.
Selfie with Lily and Neeta, except that my selfie stick broke during the Yogyakarta trip due to overuse so I can't get a decent picture.
These pictures are by Shanti, the beautiful Indon girl in fuschia robe and the one in white gown is the chef himself.
Chef Ismail carrying LV boston bag and in white long gown, came out to mingle and take photos with guests, but I had left because I had a late night movie date (Me before You) with my lo kong.
So, I took a pic with his standee!
Go experience his Ramadhan Buffet: address, phone and location is all in the poster above.