This is my Bucharest Transit ticket. At Istanbul Airport we were supposed to board Bucharest but somehow we saw Budapest boarding gate and headed there,

4 of us were left behind by our tour guide and none of our tour mates were in sight . So we ran to the boarding gate (very very far, and we ran all the way)
When we reached we presented our tickets for punch in. Nope, the officers shook their heads , This is a Budapest gate. Omg!!! We wasted no time in turning back to run again!!
We ran all the way to Bucharest gate ON THE OTHER END and we made it in the nick of time !! And this is how many kilometers we ran in the airport!!’

I had 2 good legs because my bad leg was already on the mend since it’s one year after my operation.
So i was able to run . Little did I know that after running 9.4 km and clicking up 13,178 steps I would traumatize my good leg.
The next day in Tirana my legs hurt so bad I needed 2 persons to help me walk!!
My whole holiday was nearly ruined!
And that was how I hurt my legs ....being left behind by the lousy tour guide who refused to carry a flag and running to Budapest gate , from Budapest gate, to Bucharest gate
Inside the plane, the tour guide was seated comfortably with the other tour mates, I don’t think she even bothered to look for the 4 of us and our wrong boarding gate drama.

Turkish Airlines

Bucharest airport

Managed to reach Bucharest and rejoin tour mates

Bucharest Town.

To let you compare, this is my normal steps on 9 April ; 2 days before my running episode on 11 April 2018.