6 June 2015, after the Malay Wedding, we went to Burt Bees
for a "Make your Lips Smile" Workshop.
This is to benefit my teen daughter and to get her to care for her lips the proper way.
Alas, we were late due to the wedding and the Agong's Birthday public holiday jam
so we missed the demo!!!

Burt's Bees is an up and coming trending cosmetic brand, popular with the younger set and specialises in lip care.

Burt's Bees is an up and coming trending cosmetic brand, popular with the younger set and specialises in lip care.
lots of girls trying the "test me" kits
they were launching Burt's Bess crayons 100% Natural, but due to our lateness, we missed out on the goodie bag....so sad!!!
Never mind, daughter got to try all the stuff good for her young pink lips..
wow!! choices galore...other products besides lip care of course.
at the cashier
vouchers to knock $$$ off Burt Bees products!!!
the outside of the shop at the Gardens.
our little gifts of a pouch, a lip brush and our lip balms...
fruitful day and now we are lip perfect!!!
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