Welcome to my blog.....the place for me to update my latest news and views on FASHION, Hair and Beauty, Spa and Facial Treats.. So look in on love, life,travel,food, SCHOOL!!! and things that matter.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Class Party 2009....Part One..U6Peach and Banana Leaf Rice
On October 31, all the classes had their class party......this is Upper 6 Peach....
They brought their own food...and their form teacher catered nasi bryiani for them
Their own mini hi fi
This is the third class with steam boat...Upper 6 Clancy (for the other two classes, see Part Two)
Yummy fish balls and tom yam soup!
Form 2 classes...their parties were not so elaborate so they hung out at the balcony
5 Peach or is it Wesley?
Banana Leaf rice for class party!!!
Nazrin is so good at serving me banana leaf rice!
Both of them trying to outdo each other
Almost ready....
rice, chicken, dhall gravy, vegetables
complete: with papadum, pudding and water or syrup..call SREE NARAYANA CATERING 0164760077 (N Samy) or 0142333155 (Selvarani), my student's parents!!! Best banana leaf meal for RM12 per head!!
He got it all on tape!
After serving me, Nazrin got his own rice, first time I saw him smile!
Then I had to sign their celebrity board!
Thanks for the best banana leaf rice (in orange and yellow...yellow cannot be seen)
Mrs Yap's turn to be served banana leaf rice!!
No, no no...enough rice already....(we had to go to a lot of classess....very full!)
No, no no....enough, enough!!!
Office staff and general workers were invited too (these are the pple who help me with my plants)
Friday, October 30, 2009
Serious Blogger needs 2 computers
Who is the serious blogger who needs two computers?
Sometimes pictures take a long time to upload....
Sometimes when the pictures are being uploaded, I need to multi - task..........

sometimes I need to check my facebook, answer my msn, check my yahoo mail, hotmail, gmail, you tube....

sometimes I also snoop on other pple's blog.....
if i don't get to blog, I get withdrawal symptoms......

If I do not get to post any blog, I agonise that ppl have stop visiting me....
How many hits do I have today? I am totally paranoid and obssessed.
Sometimes I think I should have become a journalist....I am always out gathering stories and coming back to feverishly dash them off on my computer......if I were a reporter, I would have met all those deadlines, the way I keep at it.
It is all Sister Bernadette's fault, when I told her (she was our so-called counsellor) I wanted to become a journalist, she laughed in my face (no lah, she didn't...she just shook her head) and said "you will starve"...well Sr Bernadette, I did not starve and I still harbour hopes......(anyway not totally her fault..at that time, there was hardly any mass com degree offered and only 3 universities available locally).
sometimes I need to check my facebook, answer my msn, check my yahoo mail, hotmail, gmail, you tube....
sometimes I also snoop on other pple's blog.....
If I do not get to post any blog, I agonise that ppl have stop visiting me....
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Teachers Rock : At D'Muara Resort
MBS recently had an IT, Chess and English camp for teachers at D'Muara Resort, Sungai Besar, which is situated in Kuala Selangor, further down the Firefly Resort. Since I have posted my pictures on Facebook, I am using Yusri's photos which were available at Flickr. See for yourself how fantastic Yusri's slr camera is and also his photographic skills. Since his captions were quite funny, I shall also hijack them!!!!

We reached D'Muara Resort, at the Pak Durani River after some false starts (missed the entrance road which was really tiny and obscure). This resort is favoured by teachers for their team building courses.

The water chalets were on stilts but it was low tide in this picture.

Walkway to the water chalets......some of the teachers stayed at the landed "terrace
rooms" or apartments, I and Pn Gan stayed at the water chalets.

All water chalets were connected and close to the lobby and verandah where we had our meals...so nice and pleasant, we walk out and there, the food is all laid out and we just choose some nice spot to eat!

First on the agenda.........EAT!!!! (This caption is by Yusri, Sanusi orders Zaki to eat!).
Nice view while you eat!

Chess camp in progress...they got down to work immediately! This conference room is at the lobby.

IT Camp was at a romantic place called The Boathouse...good facilities although we bought our own laptops.

Yusri, the taker of all the above photos, except this...I was playing with his camera..everybody was serious in planning their modules.

Another shot taken by me ..IT teachers had to make modules for all forms for the following year.

Beautiful room at the land chalet....(it is smaller than our water one which was really spacious). My room mate was Pn Gan. She was a good roomie too, because she hardly bothers me as she is out early to catch all the activities planned, and once she comes in, she is so exhausted she drops off almost immediately. Me, I linger at the bath, at the vanity, I enjoy the room and I took photos of windows with its dreamy white curtains with sea breeze blowing dreaminly in. There were floor length windows at every part of the wall, and I hoped Pn Gan noticed and enjoyed the view!

At five o'clock in the evening we took a break for "riadah" and I joined the men for some KODAK moments

Rustic, idyllic, mystic, fantastic, picturesque .....and....and I ran out of "tic" words....

6 pm, sun setting....soothingly beautiful, more people should come to this resort to get away from KL life

Lazy, languid, peaceful and lost in obscurity, you see the floating restaurant and the jetty with boats moored

View of our resort from the jetty....stark simplicity gives a picture of breathtaking beauty

lone man coming back from a day at sea.

D'Muara landscape, craggy rocks, rugged coasts and the sun dipping into the horizon

While waiting for dinner, Yusri sought models for his strobist gadgets:he wanted to use his strobe lights
Model 1: Khairul Amri

Model 2:
Firdaus, also the one who organised our trip, young and 'hensem" ( he is now in SMKSP)

Model No 3:
Ha ha ha!!!! Me!!! I had actually gone back to the room to change into this comfy but unflattering shirt!!! I did not know that I would have to pose for him!!! also no power so pardon the shiny face!

How's this? Actually, Yusri was only interested in the background, after I had struck some model-girl poses!

Model No 4: En Shardi,
actually he was quite angry at being thrown out by Pn Yong, he was really serious about his chess
and he was in a grumpy mood.....(btw he won first place finally.)

Not much sunset, but beautiful nonetheless..

Introducing what Yusri call the "Backstreet Men"!! You will be seeing more of them! Mr Gopala(in striped shirt) is one of the cohorts too????
The posers: Gopal, Zaki, Shardi, Khairul Amri, Yusri, the photographer (at last he is in one of the pictures)

The twinkling lights was where we had our barbecue dinner....simply loved the barbecued cockles!!

Next morning: mother mudskipper took baby mudskipper out for a stroll! (belacak)

Father mudskipper on the lookout....there were lots of mudskippers! I could not get any decent shots, but this picture by Yusri is great!!!

Then they all went back to sea....more about the mudskippers here: ms.wikipedia.org_wiki_Ikan_belacak#cite_note-9 (mudskippers are ikan belacak in malay)

All the teachers who attended the camp: in polite mode (as Yusri calls it) posing politely and smiling demurely

In a "free for all" mode! or impolite mode!
(the IT and chess camp of MBS)
(the IT and chess camp of MBS)

What did I tell you? The Backstreet Men strikes again!! Look at Gopala.. He is doing theUltraman stance while maintaining a straight face.

No trip to Kuala Selangor is complete without a boat ride to see the fireflies, about to be extinct.

After the darkness, they were glad for Yusri's blinding flash...Temah even showed that she went on the boat twice!

Hate to say this, but the Backstreet Men hit again!!!

According to Yusri, this shot is originally planned for the two girls, but the boys simply gatecrashed anyhow...The 2 girls: Miss Kee and Miss Rose

We definitely can make a firefly farm in Kuala Lumpur, everybody will flock to see it. Khairul Amri has a business proposition for Mr. Chin.

While the ladies shopped for ikan bilis, the men (with adjudicator) banzai (Yusri's term, I dunno what that means) the coconuts.

(Praying Zaki, Jumping Amri and Flying Shardi)
Yusri saved this best picture for the last: No photoshop here, just clever cut and paste
Here are the results of the Chess Competition: I was given the honour of giving out the prizes.
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