Ashraf is denied a name change |
Mohd Ashraf Hafiz Abdul Aziz, 25, who failed in his bid to change his name to Aleesha Farhana after undergoing a sex change operation in Thailand, died at the intensive care unit of Hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah here at 5am today.
He was admitted to the hospital at 3am on Thursday after experiencing heart problems and low blood pressure.
His father Abdul Aziz Ahmad, 60, when contacted, said the family was waiting for family members and relatives to return to Kuala Terengganu and that the funeral would be held after the mid-day prayers today.
Doctors at the hospital yesterday said he was suffering from unstable angina with cardiogenic shock.
Mohd Ashraf Hafiz, 25, had applied to the Kuala Terengganu High Court for an order to change his name and gender but it was rejected on July 18.
(from the Tianjin Times):
5 hours ago |
Mohd Ashraf Hafiz Abdul Aziz started vomitting and fell unconscious yesterday |
Read more:
Heart ailment lands Ashraf in hospital http://www.nst.com.my/nst/articles/HeartailmentlandsAshrafinhospital/Article/#ixzz1Tb3JK2IY
10 hours ago |
KUALA TERENGGANU – Mohd Asraf Hafiz Abdul Aziz, 25, who failed to changed his name and status in MyKad to Aleesha Farhana after it was rejected by the High Court here yesterday, admitted he was stressed with the society’s negative perspective towards him, but it did not break his enthusiasm to continue to fight for his desire.
“Because we were angry and sad with his actions, we chased him out of the house and burned all his female clothes, but we know he changed into a woman and often
comes home but only sleeps in the car,” she said.
“Finally, the whole family accepted the fact experienced by Mohd Ashraf and we are not living in denial anymore, but we have been segregated by society.
Ashraff leaving the court after his application is denied |