and Triumph Body Mapping Workshop.
These are the plants that were offered at the clarins counter as part of their "Back to Nature Campaign"
Gotu Kola(Cantella asiatica) or plain old pegaga (water wort) .

Purslane (Potulaca oleracea) or Gelang Pasir

The Clarins back-to-nature activity is held at Bandar Harapan at Platinum Damansara,too far for me to drive at too early an hour. But it looks great yah?
Nice or not? I bought the pegaga (I did not know that! the pegaga is such a common plant!)
and replanted it, and replaced the gunny sack thing with cactus from the balcony.
When you buy the plant, the Bandar Harapan Farm trip is free.
The Eco Farm thingie was too early (8 to 10.30) and she had ballet at did not go. Before I went for
the latter, I felt an immense urge to blog...about my blood test, so I dashed off a post.
That made me late for the workshop!!!!
After battling the Loke Yew jam, went into the Gardens carpark but all full!!!
On reaching the venue (Isetan Gardens) workshop was over, ha ha ha!
Triumph Body Mapping Workshop at Isetan the Gardens..
But who my age I have already mapped whatever is left of my body after 3 kids ...whether it's pear shape or inverted triangle,I tak kisah lah!!!
(pssst...I went for the voucher and goodie bag, so now I got two, because I realised I went for a similar
one at Parkson)
This is an earlier workshop that I had attended (similar) at Parkson, Pavilion.
The Facilitator puts dummy on platform
Realistic: A slim model, and a plus size one
Extra G string for Parkson Elite card members and Isetan members too!
I have 2 Parkson Elite cards so I got 2 g-strings...daughter took one picture of g-string for you, please scrutinise picture and picture
said g-string in your head. What am I going to do with it? If I wear it, hubby will RUSH FOR BLOOD TEST!!!!!!
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